Birth Connections Regina

Welcome to my web site!

I am a midwife-trained doula working in the Regina area since 2004.  The philosophy of Birthing from Within was introduced to me while pregnant with our youngest son, and I received my Level 1 BFW training in 2005 in Winnipeg, five months after his birth.  In 2010,  I received advanced mentor training in Oregon.
What initially drew me to BFW was feeling unprepared for unmedicated labour; being told that I would be able to cope with the pain of labour, but not encouraged to build a pain-coping mindset. 
What continues to amaze me about this work is the ah-ha moments that parents have as we dive into personal, individual issues surrounding labour, birth, and post-partum.


Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers - strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength. ~ Barbara Katz Rothman

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